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well u already know what i like to do, what my name is, and what i do for fun. well u don't know what i like to listen to. i love to listen to punk. my favorite bands are, nfg, afi, pennywise, bad religion, and anti flag. really i mostly listen to nfg. if u don't know what that means then your lost. well when i'm bored and grounded i usually talk on the phone alot. i love my best freind nick. he is the best guy in the world. i love him with all my heart. becky is my really really (the reallys can go on) good best friend. she has always been there for me since the second grade. she is the best. i love all my other friends too. they are tight. i'm a careing and loving person. just ask all my friends and they will tell you that. besides loving and careing i am always hyper. i'm crazy. sometimes when i'm hyper i have to be by myself. if i'm around people then say bye bye to me cuz i'm ganna go crazy. i think i have add or adhd or hyperactive. i love to go camping. it's so much fun to go to yosemite and refigo with my family. we always have lots of fun. we always act weird and people just look at us funny. my brother gk one time came out in short shorts, a very short t shit and roller blade around the camp site. people took out their cameras out and took alot of pictures. i also had fun last year when i met alot of people. that year was the best. i met a girl named aimee and a boy named elliot at yosemite. i miss them so much. aimee remember when we went out to curry to find those hot boys on their bikes? i sure do and that was alot of fun. i also remember when elliot ran into a wall and fell into a hole. lol that was a great year. i met 3 boys name ryan peter and robby at refigo. we had so much fun together. i also hanged out with jena that year and she is now one of my good friends.

The History or Story Behind My Site
i was bored so i decided to build this. there u go thats the story behind my web site.

i really want people to know how much i love danny. he ment so much to me. he was my best friend for 8 years and my friend for 10 years. thats almost my hole life. he was a great guy. he never wanted to c someone with a sad face. danny had his own world and he loved it. danny i love you. rip my friend
may 4 1987~dec 31 2001

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